Selected working papers
- Spurring Economic Growth through Human Development: Research Results and Guidance for Policymakers, with David E. Bloom, Alexander Khoury and Klaus Prettner. IZA DP No. 12964. Accepted at Population and Development Review.
- A Narrow Escape? Malthusian Pressures in the Late Imperial Moscow, with Ekaterina Khaustova and Vincent Geloso. R&R at Explorations in Economic History.
- The Lesser Shades of Labor Coercion: The Impact of Seigneurial Tenure in Nineteenth Century Quebec, with Vincent Geloso and Alex Arsenault Morin.
- You can't always get what you want? A Monte Carlo analysis of the bias and the efficiency of dynamic panel data estimators, with Klaus Prettner, ECON WPS - Vienna University of Technology Working Papers in Economic Theory and Policy 07/2017, Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Mathematical Methods in Economics, Research Group Economics (ECON). [LATEST VERSION]
- Its a mans world? The rise of female entrepreneurship during privatization in Serbia, with Vladan Ivanovic.